

Copyright: Heidelberg Marketing GmbH, Foto Tobias Schwerdt
DESTINATIONS heidelberg Bars & Nightlife halle02


Up to 300 events are held here annually with over 150,000 visitors: exhibitions, concerts, as well as parties, fairs or markets. Until recently, the hall02 was in the middle of an old railway area, surrounded by old railway tracks and embedded in wild tree and bushes. The surrounding suburb "Bahnstadt" was developed as a residential, scientific and research location. Apartments for more than 6,000 people and just under 7,500 jobs are currently being built in the immediate vicinity, as the largest inner-city development measure in Europe. With the opening of the restaurant NEO, the offer of halle02 has been extended.

Bars & Nightlife

Heidelberg is vivacious and full of life, as befits a university town. Nighttime revellers have an endless array of ways and places to congregate, from rustic student pubs to nightclubs, jazz clubs, and music clubs.